Monday, May 29, 2006

The Perfect Sleeping Pill
I have never been a good sleeper. Let me nap and I am good to go for a thousand more miles but make me sleep through the night and I can't do it. It runs in my family. I don't drink caffinated drinks and haven't for years. I have tried music, the sound of running water, earplugs and so many other methods to make me sleep I can't even remember them, but give me a spinning wheel, and I am out like a light!

I have been doing more spinning lately than I had ever intended and it's been fun. I have gotten varied results and have no idea what I will do with them, but I contented that the roving is now spun and I can move on to a new color or new texture. This have more of my attention than knitting has and I am not sure my Mock Cable Sweater would agree this is a good thing.

Remember this?
100% Merino Cider

Now it's this...

...and this?

Has now become this...

I had some of the Citrus 100% Merino left over along with some Lincoln-Corriedale and combined the two to get a softer look that seemed to bring out the slight greenish tint in the roving. I was amazed since it has so much yellow in it.

Plus I took more of the Lincoln-Corriedale and combined it with some of the left over Cider Merino and made this...

Just when I thought I was done, I went digging into the roving cabinet and found more of the Finn, Merino, Rambouillet and combined the last of that with the Lincoln-Corriedale and have more of this...

So have you noticed a trend here. I hate wasting roving. What galls me is that I get down to the last bobbin and it has just enough left on it to want to keep going but don't have the second bobbin to ply with. So instead of recarding it, I have decided to combine it with other lonely half filled bobbins to create one of a kind yarn. Now what to do with all of these orphaned balls. I am sure that it will come to me in a dream what to do with all of them but for now they will be stored away for a time I have no money and time to knit.

My Mock cable sweater is going for a drive tonight...the last class. I should have two sleeves and be ready to do the button band and picking the buttons. Sadly I have only sown one shoulder together and have three rows to finish on the other shoulder. I haven't even started either sleeve and have no idea when that will happen. I will be flying to my 30th class reunion pretty soon, and doubt the sweater will be making the trip with me. It will be banished to the canvas bag I carry to class, while I am gone. The sweater will be the dog sitter for our trip since it doesn't have much use for anything else. I hear fall is a good time to finish sweaters...


Anonymous said...

They are all so lovely!! You did a great job : D

vlb5757 said...

Even if they don't look perfect, they were a lot of fun for me and made me sleepy when I couldn't fall asleep! Spinning really is the perfect sleeping pill for me.

Thanks for stopping by! I don't have very many folks who read it, but I just wanted to document my progression in spinning and knitting. It certainly is fun!