I have come to the realization that I am getting older. Yes, I have dared to utter that and now it will be forever on the net that I am getting older. How do I know this? My waist is now in the Granny Smith apple description along with tree trunk legs. My hair is in the sink and floor of the shower more than it's on the top of my head. The hair that I do have has turned on me. I really mean turned...GREY. I have noticed that there are little brown spots appearing out of nowhere on my hands lately. I won't even tell you about the body parts that have left for the South of some where else. You know what I mean? I have been losing my eye site for years but now we are at a critical point. What is that point you say?? Serious extra lighting. Do I hear an "Amen"?
I have been wearing glasses for about four years now and have become acustomed to them, but this is just annoying. I finally broke down and got my self a new light. I read on this blog about a spiffy lamp. When I went to research it, I discovered I would have to rob Ft. Knox to pay for it. So I scouted around for another suitable and cheaper alternative. I found one, hubby found one.
Hubby was at our favorite Blue box store and found this...
What can I say. It worked like a charm. When you are getting older you just need a different kind of a toy. And when you are knitting with size 1 dpns on this color yarn, blindness will follow shorty. I have only myself to blame for this. While in the Knitting Corner, I thought I had picked a lovely shade of green for my sock class.