The Virginia Purl is a blog about my knitting, crocheting, spinning, gardening and cooking. Hopefully when you visit you will take away something useful even if it's just a smile.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
I got tagged by 3 Sleeves To The Wind to tell you 7 random things about me. I have no earthly idea where to start. I am a pretty boring person as far as I am concerned. So here goes.
1. I met my husband on a blind date that his best friend arranged. I dated him for 10 days and after 7 months of letter writing and a long distance romance, we eloped and now have been married 28 years. …and they said it wouldn’t last!
2. I ambidextrous.
3. When I was 19 I did some hair modeling for Jermac Hair Products. I was discovered when I was about to get my long hair all cut off. The person freaked and said I needed to keep my hair to do the modeling and I did.
4. When I was in the 4th grade I lived next door to a girl whose father had Playboys under his bed. We used to sneak in and look at the pictures. I secretly wanted to be a Playboy center fold until I was about 14. I didn’t know that they didn’t take 5’2” freckle faced girls. I was devastated. I got over it.
5. I am a chocoholic.
6. I have had gastric by pass surgery and lost 110 lbs. Sadly I have gained about half of that back.
7. I am a city girl, but lived on a dairy farm my last few months of high school. I can milk a cow by hand.
Monday, May 21, 2007
As you can see I have crossed some items off the list, but when I cross something off, I end up adding more to the bottom. Since I have not figured out how to list all my projects and the progress bar on the side, this works.
I have finished another Mary scarf by Wallis Knits and have another one on those lovely Addi Lace Needles. I just can't rave about them enough. If anyone knows me (hint, hint-Joan and Patty), they would make lovely Christmas presents. You just can't have too many of them. Plus I have a lace shawl by Lily Chin (Fiber Trends-Charlotte's Easy Lace Shawl) on the needles and it's going to have to be ripped out again. Which by the way, I have done at least four or five times now. I set it aside because I was getting cranky when anyone (hubby) would talk to me while I was trying to keep track of my rows. I also have a pair of socks on the needles and they have been sitting there for over a month now. I will get to them later this summer. I have four of those Wallis Knits scarves to finish by August.
I was so digusted about having to rip out the Lily Chin shawl so many times that I had to get to some "Stupid" Knitting. That's what one of the knitters I knit with every Thursday calls it. I agree completely, but surely there must be another name. "Stupid" knitting just sounds so mean.
I have finally finished an acrylic shawl I started months ago. I have some before and after shots for you. Here is the before...
It was still on the needles when this picture was taken earlier last week. Now the after picture.Can you see what is missing? Yup, the fringe. I hate fringe. Someone else pointed out to me that if the shawl is going to a nursing home, no one will take care about the fringe when it is laundered. So, I spent and hour plucking out what I had already done. I am glad I listened to reason.
It's a nice size triangle shaped shawl. Here is another view...
Not only have I finished that one...I have started another project made from donated acrylic yarn that I picked up at the Knitting Guild meeting. I need an easy mind numbing project to do while knitting on the 4 lace scarves. I am surprised that I like it and it's going pretty quickly. I won't have enough yarn to make it as long as it says it should be, but I don't really care. I just want to use up the acrylic stuff and give someone a nice throw.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
I am just tickled pink that I was able to attend the Maryland Sheep & Wool Show again this year. I don't think it was my imagination When I say that it didn't seem as crowded this year. I am not sure whether it was the overcast sky, cooler tempertures or the impending threat of rain that did it, but who cares; less competition for me to worry about.
I went on the Knitting Guild's bus with about 31 women. We left at the crack of chickens yesterday and got back long after a respectable bed time. Hubby was waiting with the van when the bus arrived at the Mall parking lot. It was raining and I was thrilled to be home. My bus buddy Susan and I were pooped. I think we started talking before the bus ever pulled out of the parking and stopped talking when we hugged goodbye and went home.
As much as I love to shop, it was exhausting! My credit card is cooling off on the desk beside me and has told me it won't even think about recovering until the next billing cycle rolls around. Compared to Susan J, I was conservative in my spending. She was a MS and
W "virgin" but I had one year under my belt to decide what I wanted to buy and where to go. I felt priviledged to get a copy of the offical copy of theMaryland Sheep and Wool Festival book from shop owner Susan S to take home with me. I went through all the vendor ads in the book to see who I wanted to visit. I also printed off the vendor list from the internet and then promptly left it sitting right here with all the highlighted vendors on it. I made notes and more notes. Good thing I remember many of them off the top of my head. My mission this year was way different than last year.
I really had a good time this year and hopefully with a new job next year, I will be able to attend again. Every year I think a become a better consumer. With all the talking with Susan J and the constant shopping, I can't believe that I only got one picture of Cashmere goats at the show. They are cuties, but I will have to do better next year.