Summer KnitsI know it seems a bit early to be thinking about summer knits, but I can see from all of the knitting E mails I am getting that everyone seems to be headed in that direction. Not wanting to be singled out from the herd, I have started thinking about summer knits. Last week I started this thinking it would be a simple item to finish.
Being that short sighted knitter that I am, I started this project knowing that I would not have enough yarn to finish it. The fun part comes when I show up here and tell them I don't have enough yarn (like don't screw up your face and laugh-we all have done this). So they are looking for more of this yarn. If they don't find it, I will have to frog this project and start all over. The down side is, I have to start all over. The upside is...I have lots of practice on this piece and I think I will know how to get started.This is a pattern from Lilly Chin. I haven't used one of her patterns before. I picked this one nearly a year ago when I was feeling cocky about knitting lace. I have since eaten some crow over that by failing at this project. I am not really that great at reading charts and I have the attention span of a gnat. I get frustrated when I think I have done well and then a mistake is spotted. I think some times I look at my knitting through rose colored glasses.Since my shawl is stalled, I have moved on to more socks, of course.
I only have one of these on the needles and only the cuff done so far. I wanted a very plain of socks so that I can see how the pattern of the yarn plays out. So I am trying this out to see how it goes. Hopefully I will have another nice pair of socks to wear this coming fall.
I am still working on this pair. I have to work the toes and then they should be finished. I won't get much use out of them because I think that the weather is trying to warm up and then I can go barefooted, which is my favorite way to go.

I have been cruising the finished projects on Ravelry to see what other have made hoping for some inspiration for my summer knits line up. If nothing comes to me, then I will start back knitting on the Preemie hats. I have neglected them long enough and lord knows, I have enough yarn to knock out my 75 remaining hats.
Too bad about your lace project. I don't think I have knit any lace that doesn't have mistakes in it. I just say "They'll never notice, and if they do, that will prove it is hand-made." and gift it anyway. If I keep it the mistakes are memories for me.
I like the color of those socks--
They're GREEN! :D
It's too bad for that class that I paid for, but I will try again another time. I still have it on the needles but it's been so long since I have knit on it, I will have to frog it and start over again. I have to have complete quiet when knitting it. I have four dogs so you know that's NOT happening. I have mistakes in all my socks, but it's not too obvious and I really don't care. Lace is a wee but different for me. I need to learn how to correct those mistakes by reading my knitting. I think that will take me some time but I am still hanging in there.
I had no doubt you would love the green socks. Do you belong to Ravelry? They actually have a group who love the color green. I joined that group last night. It's like a homecoming! lol!
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