Recently I was talking about how I would have one project almost finished and lusting mentally about the next project in line. The week of Thanksgiving was no different. I still have my Guinea Hen socks on the needles and now have moved on to another project.
When a LYS was changing owners this past summer, I took a drive over there and took a peek. I am pretty loyal to my favorite yarn shop but every now and then I do stray. So I made some purchases and socked them away for another day. Since both my sons are in the Army, I bought some camoflouge yarn. I thought a beanie or watch cap would be cool. NOT. Or so I was so politely told by my son one morning while he was eating.
I asked him if I made a beanie of the yarn, would he wear it. Nope, no way, no how. Well! Ungrateful so-n-so. Then he sweetly looked up at me with a mouth full of food and said that he did know of something that I could knit for him...a baby afghan. Okay, is there something he needed to tell me? Was this his foot in the door of what was going to be a very awkward conversation? Ugh! Thankfully, no. My son explained how a co-worker was going to have a baby and an afghan would be a lovely gift. We talked about how my endeavor was going to be financed. He agreed he would pay and I would provide the labor (pun intended).
So, that's all I needed to sort of justify my trip the day before Thanksgiving to the yarn shop. I looked at what was there, and of course loved everything. Ruth helped me decide and this is what we came up with.
I can't remember if I have ever used this brand of yarn before, but it's such a delight to knit with. It's soft and doesn't split like my sock yarn does. I bought 6 skeins to make a rather large afghan. I think the pattern said that it would cover a playpen. It's been a while since I have seen a playpen, but aren't they huge?
The afghan is pretty! I really like working with Dreambaby too.
Ooo! Ruth sold me on that blanket pattern, too! It was my baseball game knitting last summer. It's such a nice pattern, and the fabric is so soft and warm and cuddly. It also washed -- machine washed -- perfectly. This is now my go-to baby gift yarn. You will so enjoy working this up.
WW-I really like it too. Even though I love wool, it's nice to work with something super soft every once in awhile. Would this work for your baby projects?
Kemtee-That Ruth is a crafty salesperson! I will use this for the "all-purpose" baby gift from now on. It's so easy to knit and I can knit this and not really think about much else. I love that I don't have to keep looking down at a piece of paper to remember the pattern.
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