I haven't posted in a while because I have been knitting. I seem to be obsessed by socks lately. I had made great progress on my latest socks but hit a snag last night. I have run out of the reinforcement yarn I have been using for the heels and toes. So I guess I will have to stop by The Knitting Corner today on my way home from work and get some more yarn. I was so in the zone last night and then I got almost to the end of one toe and...nothing.
As you can see the pattern that I had talked about in my last post has changed. The swirl got less and less as I went down towards the toe. The pattern became more stripped like I had though it would. I love how they have turned out but totally frustrated that I have run out of the reinforcement yarn. Here is another view of the socks.
Ah-HA! There you are!! I thought you might be over here knitting...
I was just thinking of you and I wanted to wish you, and your family, a very Happy Thanksgiving. I hope that everything is going wonderfully for you, even if busy.
Hugs and Kisses to you from Oregon!
Looking good! Maybe the reinforcement yarn will be on sale.
Hi there - hope you and your family had a very happy Thanksgiving. Those are cool socks! I've been spining & spining to try to get enough yarn to make a scarf for my sister for christmas - maybe I'll get it done by Valentine's day... Take care! T.
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around lately. I have had four days off from work and have vowed to try and stay away from the computer as much as possible. I have been working on another project and have more or less set all the others aside.
I hope that everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! We are having ours today. We went to the dog park with two of the dogs on Thursday instead of cooking all day. So today, Sunday, is cook day. Hubby is smoking a turkey and I am doing the fixins. I can't wait to eat that bird. Until then I will be watching the oven and knitting on my newest project yet to be posted!
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