I make no bones about it. I love the snow and got to do a happy dance this afternoon. I walked past the upstairs hall window and looked outside. What did I see... but little small flurries going a mile a minute. The weatherman messed up his forecast; said no snow is coming.
So what do happy little piggies do when it snows at the beach?? They go outside to check it out.
Well, I hope for your sake you get more snow than that. It's fun to watch it come down though. Nice socks!
I had hoped for so much more than what we got. I think it was on the ground for about 30 minutes and then it was gone as quickly as it came. I was sad. We will have really cold weather next week, so I am praying again for snow again!
Which colorway was your sock? It looks green on my monitor and I love green. By the way, I too am a knitter and cook. I think they go well together, I pretty much only knit socks nowadays.
Actually I am not sure. I used all of the yarn and didn't save the label for the socks. I know the brand is Swizzle but that's all I can tell you. Sorry. Green is my favorite color so I look for those colorways that have the most green and the least blue and pink I can find.
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