The weather here at the beach has been up and down and up and down and down and up. My skin, nose and feet have been through the gammit. I knit socks to keep my feet from being cold because a slipper is too heavy for me. I have made about 8 pair of socks. I love them. The only ones that I am not as thrilled about are the cotton ones, but I am sure I will come around. So you understand that I walk around the house in my lovely handmade socks.
Three days ago I was sitting in my usual chair along with three dogs knitting on yet another pair of socks just minding my own business. Little did I know how much I would need this new pair of socks. I had to get up and answer the phone. When I returned to the chair I took off my socks. When I lift up my left foot to pull off the sock, screaming and nashing of teeth began. Horrors of horrors, a FREAKING HOLE.
Here is a visual clue as to how large the hole is. This is my post earring. Thankfully, it was caught early.
The surgery should be quick and painless. The sock will be back to its old self in no time.
I am hoping that Dr. Sue can help the patient. Scaring is concern but hopefully it won't be too bad.
The doctor will be in on Tues & Thurs afternoon. Maybe not on Sat. though. Special patients like you never need an appointment, we will always be able to work you into our schedule. Bring the PAIR of socks and any leftover yarn you have from them.
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