I have been trying to finish two projects at once and get the rest of the spinning done for the guild meeting. When I get bored with one or lose my patience, I switch to something else. I can see how a person could have five or six different projects going at once. I have still have to finish my Mock Cable Sweater. I still need to re-work the arm, the collar and re-sew the buttons on the Green Lacey Jacket and the baby sweater that I started for my nephew. Geez, I have nothing to do with my spare time!
This is the latest project that I have been working on. It's a design by a local woman named Linda Johnson. She is currently the President of the local Knitting Guild here where I live. I think she works part-time at Ewe Knits and then designs.
I haven't worked on the sweater for my nephew as of late but I will soon. I will have a busy three weeks starting tomorrow when my son and his wife come here to visit for three weeks. I still have to work and then of course they will want to eat and I have to knit and spin! I will try and post while they are here but please excuse if they are a bit spaced apart.