For the past two years I have been lucky enough to have time to go to The Knitting Corner to help knit a prayer shawl for breast cancer patients who are going through chemo treatments. Last year is was crowded and this year was no different. While I did not get any pictures of the women who came last weekend to knit on the shawls, I did take a quickie picture of the one that I brought home to finish. I haven't had a chance to post lately because I have been busy knitting the prayer shawl to take back to the shop. When I take it back I will volunteer to take another one that someone else didn't get a chance to finish. I enjoy the simpleness of the pattern. I can do it while I watch TV at night and not have to check a chart of do much counting.
Not only am I knitting the shawl for the shop, but I bought a pattern with the pink ribbon pattern to return to have it made into an afghan. I haven't done a pattern square since I did the three for Jef. I have until Nov 30 but I want to get the squares done and out of here so I don't forget. I wanted to do the ribbon so here is my pattern and the yarn I got for my $5. I get to keep the pattern so I will have it for another time. I will post the finished squares when I get them done.
Not only have I been working on the two breast cancer projects, but I have been trying to finish another pair of socks. Since my On-Line socks had to wait for another skein of yarn, I HAD to start another pair of socks. So I past the heels on both and am working on the gussets. I knit both socks at the same time using dpns. I go back and forth to each sock and I find that my gauge stays pretty consistent. Knitting one sock at a time is okay but I really want a pair when I am done. I am using Trekking XXL yarn. I have never used this brand before, but I have to say, I love this yarn. It's been easy to use and the stripping is nice too. I didn't try to match the strips on this pair but they have turned out nicely anyway.
So, I think that about catches things up for what I am working on. I have a nice list of projects that I want to get to but I always seems to get sidetracked. I really am in sock mode and as long as I have sock yarn, I think I will keep going. I want to have Sue teach me how to make a pair of sock that are just for my feet. I have a nice sock book and I will pick something for there to get me started. I would love a pair of lace socks.
Well, that's it for me for now. Thanks for stopping by!