I am a planner. I try to be organized with things so that I can get them done. I am not obsessed but I am committed. I am a list maker. If you could see my desk, you would see tons of little pieces of papers that have lists on them. If I know that I am under the gun of a deadline, I make a list. I don't really put things in the order I want to achieve them but I need to see them so that I can get them done. I am not getting any younger and things do get forgotten.
I have observed a lot of knitters who have lots of WIP and UFOs. I decided that I didn't want to be that kind of a knitter. So I have "the list" for knitting. Frankly, it started out as a joke and now has evolved into something more important. As a newer knitter, I knew there were lots of things that I wanted to learn. I would get side tracked and miss a chance to take a class that contained something that I wanted to learn. So to avoid that happening, I made a list.
When I cross something off the list, I usually end up adding something else to it because of fellow bloggers. You folks have inspired me to challenge myself to do more complicated things. So I have made the list for 2008 with that in mind.
2008 List
1. Knit 100 baby hats (this is inspired by Wool Windings who has knit some pretty wonderful things for the Preemie Project) I admire those who knit for charity. Since I don't knit a lot for charity I thought this would be a pretty simple goal for the year. I figure that I will have to knit about 8-10 a month. They are so small that you can get 4-5 little hats depending on what size needle you use. I have already started on my goal.
I will talk about the hats in more detail in a later post. I just had to show just how small the hats are, so doing 100 in a year shouldn't be too much of a drain. I want to challenge all of you to think about doing at least one or two charity knitting items.
Now you can see that all that knitting you thought I was doing was just an illusion. These hats are so tiny that it only takes and hour or two to make one, depending on the size. I think it's awesome that you have set a goal of 100 hats! You're off to a great start!
Boy you aren't kidding. They go so quickly! I have now done 7 and have one on holders because I ran out of a color. I will pick that up on Thursday when I go to knit with my weekly group. I just thought it was time to step up to the plate and put my knitting to good use for others. The only problem that I am having is that I can't see the little head that would fit in those hats. Am I making them too small or too large? I was thinking about taking my Santa hats to the local children's hosp. in Norfolk and seeing if they would put a hat on a baby for me to see. Maybe that would help reinforce the size issue in my mind. Anyway, it's been fun to see them turn out. I have only done two patterns right now. Thanks for such great patterns!
I'm going to be a skeptic, I'm afraid. I'm sure you know what you're doing, and I'm glad you thought of taking them to the hospital. Charity knitters should always make sure they are producing something someone wants, I think. I'll never forget one of my friends telling me that she was in the oncology ward with her husband when she saw a huge bin full of donated chemo caps that no one wanted.
On the positive side, they are very cute, and it is amazing that they are soooo very small.
Your list sounds like an awful lot for someone who has as many responsibilities as you do. 2008 will be another busy year for you!
There is someone in my Ravelry group whose little twin boy died before he made it home from the hospital. She has an organization that takes and makes care packages for these babies and their families. I will split up my hats and send them to several groups who are always asking for them. The thought had occured to me that they might sit around for awhile until they are needed. That's okay with me.
I don't have a life, I have knitting. lol! I am a selfish person who is trying to change her evil ways and thought this would open me up to new things. I heard the rumor that it is better to give than to recieve, so I am going to test that theory out. I'll let you know how it goes.
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