Pattern Dilemma
I have a pattern dilemma and I thought putting it on the blog and getting some opinions would help me decide what to do. The yarn I am using is Lorna's and it is the Shepherd Sock yarn. It's the Country Christmas colorway. I have had this yarn for a year so thought I would get a head start for Christmas.
I started the pattern with a 2x2 ribbing. Did 25 rows and thought the pattern and the colors went well. I wanted to seeing the stripping and decided to let the pattern of the colors come out and then did 70 rows in stockinette. Here is what it looks like.

While I like the colors, I don't like the break in them. As you can see the break goes is over two rows. It's hard to describe but I don't like the break in the color. Since I already had the second sock done to the ribbing, I thought I would thumb through Sensational Knitted Socks and pick out a 6 stitch pattern. I found the Bluebell Rib. After working about 10 rows of that pattern, I decided it was not going to work. The breaks in the colors weren't as obvious but you really couldn't see the pattern. So maybe I was headed in the right direction. I ripped that out and moved on to the Chain Rib. This is what that one looks like...

As you can see, the color breaks don't show up as much with this pattern. As much as I hate to rip out 70 rows of a sock, I will. So which one is better? Should I continue with the stockinette or should I do the Chain Rib? I figure now is the time to pick one over the other. I picked the Chain Rib because I though it would make the sock look like bumpy candy canes. Either way one is going to get tinked. So whatcha think??
Maybe you could try a slip-stitch pattern, like Leyburn, to break up the striping and take attention away from the breaks. Or really, just any slip-stitch pattern you find in your stitch dictionary. The only thing is, the more stitches you slip per row, the more the sock will tighten up. I've had to add a few stitches to compensate for the slipped stitches.
I like those colors and the stripes.
I have never tried a slip stitch on a sock. Good to know that it would make the sock tighter. I would have never thought about that.
I like the stockinette sock best. The breaks in color don't bother me at all.
The color breaks just seem so odd to me. It doesn't really say it's self stripping but I thought it would be. I am a bit disappointed with the way it's turn out so far. I guess that I just had something else in my mind's eye.
yes, I have to agree with you on the color breaking. I suspect that that colorway isn't what Lorna herself designed, she was always so careful of her colorways. While you might want to use a slip stitch pattern, I myself would use a contrasting color and work a small striping pattern, one row or two of a solid, then one or two rows of the LL in that colorway. Good luck with your choice.
I talked to another sock knitter and she said that the yarn I have is some older yarn. She has some other Lornea's and said that hers turned out my stripped. So Sue from The Knitting Corner suggested a Fiber Trends pattern I didn't have. As soon as I get done with the Clapotis I am seriously thinking about tinking back one sock and trying that pattern. I really loved the yarn when I bought it and I want to keep loving it. So I want to try one more pattern before giving it up to stockinette.
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