I have been absent from blogging for a bit because we have a new baby. By baby I mean a new puppy. After a near break in of our house we decided it was time to get a home security system. DH looked at the boxed hardware stores and the internet to find something we could afford and something we could live with. We got a dog instead.
We have been talking for months about getting another dog since our herd is aging. We wanted a larger dog and did consider getting a friend's dog who was relocating to another state. They ended taking the dog with them and it worked out just as well. It gave us time to research breeds and to take our time.
Having a new baby in the house who has a curiosity about everything and sharp little teeth to explore that curiosity is exhausting at best. I have had to put my shoes away, pick up everything that isn't supposed to be on the floor, close doors and secure my knitting.
Here is our new baby. She won't be a baby for long ...they just grow up so fast!
Here is our Lucy. She is a Boxer and is 10 weeks old. We are in the process of getting her used to the rest of the herd and to us. She is potty training pretty well and running us ragged. We just love it. So my knitting time has been cut done to next to nothing. I am playing doggie door man, nursemaid and personal trainer. Lucy has her own blog which I am building in between naps and potty breaks. So please hang in there with me and I will getting back to blogging here shortly.
She's cute!
Cute, cute, cute! I can't wait to read her blog. "Woof! Woof!" =)
That is what you call "just too cute for words"...
awwwww! So darn CUTE! I had a boxer growing up and she was the best. : )
Great choice! I look forward to fugure posts.
Thanks everyone. She is a real handfull. But we are hoping that the next person who thinks they are going to climb through a downstairs window will think twice when they hear her bark! We are having a good time. We now walk a dog at least once a day. The doxies never got walked like that. I am exhausted! lol!
Welcome Lucy, yup, you are a pretty darn cute little girl. I'll bet you have them wrapped around your little paw! Good luck! T.
More Lucy Brown chronicles please! AND more photos..She is darling.
I promise to post more about Lucy. She went to her second vet appt and I forgot the camera. Hopefully this next one will have photos.
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