Three Sachets
I belong to the neatest group of knitters. It's called Yarn for Breakfast or YfB. They are listed on the site. I think I have belonged a few months shy of a year. The wonderful thing about the group is they have meet ups all over the Hampton Roads area. We all belong to the group but some of us will never meet. Each of us elects which group email meet up places we wish to be notified about. I only belong to two groups. There is the YfB group that meets one Saturday a month in Portsmouth and there is another group under that same umbrella called Yarn for Supper. Those groups meet in the evenings some place. I belong to a group that meets at a Panera one Tuesday a month. I get to see some of the same people at each group every month and then there are members who float in and out according to their husband's ship schedule, having babies, work, vacations, and just life in general. If you have a chance to join a group like this you will meet so many different knitters and crocheters! Now they are trying to do spinning group once a month. Maybe once my job is done I can go to a meeting or two.
Once in a while the group will either spend money or get donations to give to the group. When cash is short donations work perfectly. My friend Ro and I decided that we could donate something for the group. I was lucky that I was befriended by a lovely lady at a lavender farm in NC. One year at a local festival, the woman gave me a huge box of scrap lavender. I have saved it for at least two years now I finally have a use for it. We decided to make sachets to give to the members of our YfB. So we bought some lavender (some very purplely) yarns and have been knitting them in our spare time.
The sachets come from the Vogue Knitting Quick Gifts that I got the horse pattern from. I bought the one for one pattern and one only then found the sachets and decided that the money I spent on the book paid off more than once. Good investment in quickie gifts!
Here are the three sachets. I sewed up some tulle that I found in the bargain bin at Hancocks and cut it to size. I hand sewed them because it would have taken longer to drag out the machine and set up and then have to put it away. Besides no one will see how crappy I sew because the bags are sown up too. I got two sets of sachets out of each half skein. Ro has the other skeins and is making sets of her own. There is only one last thing that we need to do; get a ribbon to tie the sachets in a stack together. Then it 's off to YfBf for nifty gifties at our next meeting.
The End
Very Cool!!! So glad you are part of our crew. Totally hope you get to do some more spinning with the gals once school is done. :)
I hope the rest of the group likes them. We just thought we could help extend what you give out and to not have to spend so much money on things. I will try and bring them to the meeting soon.
Sachets make very nice gifts. These are lovely.
Thanks. I had a great time making them. It's mindless knitting but I am needing that right now at the end of a semester. I hope that my group likes them.
Beautiful Vickie! Very thoughtful too. Sounds like you found a great group of ladies to knit with! :)
I do enjoy their company and hopefully when my job is done I will have even more time to spend with them.
Oh, how pretty, I love that basket weave stitch! T.
Tina-it's very simple and right now before I am about to quit my job I wanted something that wasn't stressful to do. When I get done working I will get into more detailed knitting because I will have the time. I will miss the money but not the stress and working every weekend!
Those are soo pretty! I love the colors. And it's neat how you showed the three different stitches... I LOVE the basket weave stitch! Is it very hard? (Dumb question... it would be VERY hard for someone like me! LOL)
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