You are all familiar with that annoying say, "Anything worth doing is worth doing right." I feel like that has been the bane of my existence since picking up knitting and crocheting back six years ago. I really thought that I could get away with a mistake here, there, and yonder and it wouldn't drive me mad. Ah... but it does. It's like a blinking beacon screaming my name every time I look at something with a mistake. I am a champion ripper. So I find myself at the cross roads of a decision.
My second pair of Spring Forward socks is that blinking beacon screaming my name. They have been screaming my name for a few weeks now. I have a drawer that is dedicated to my handmade wool socks. Every time I open that drawer to put on a nice well fitted pair of socks, those orange Spring Forward socks stare me down.
(Sorry for the poor quality of the photo. My camera was having a tantrum and will soon be going to a time out for good!)
One sock is longer in the foot than the other and I avoid dealing with them but not wearing them. How long can I avoid it? This winter, next winter or the winter after? They will languish in the drawer and I will have to look at them every time I open it.
So today I am doing my best to find the places where I wove in the ends from closing up the toe. Then there will be teeth gnashing and moaning as I rip row after row of reinforced toe to get to the rest of the foot. Ugh!
TADA...I got them done and they both fit the same way. I finally got a picture of them today. I am so glad I ripped them out and made them right. Now I can wear them all winter and not worry about them starring me down from the sock drawer.
A mistake that affects the fit is a mistake I couldn't live with either.
you have serious issues Red
They are gorgeous and I'm with you, it was totally worth the effort to 'do it right'!
I have one pair that is rust colored with only one toe in green as I ran out of yarn. In that case I just get a nice chuckle every time I wear them! 8^)
Knit on!!!
I would have had to fix it too.
I have a saying for myself at work, because I'm a recovering perfectionist: Finished is better than perfect. That applies very nicely to an excel worksheet but not so much to sock fit. I agree with Wool Winder...and I have a pair of socks that are staring me down, too. Well done, they look great! Please wear them this coming Saturday so we can admire!
I can see how the two socks not being the same length could be bothersome.
I can almost never find the ends after I've woven them. I think I'm going to have to practice undoing some ends for situations such as this one.
Wow! You totally rock!
When I make a mistake at anything, it's always WAYYY yonder too big to fix. *hehe*
Good for you. My mother always said - anything worth doing is worth doing well. She would have approved. I've had to do the same thing myself - misery loves company :)
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