Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

First Lavender Harvest 2013


Sue Sharp said...

ohhh, what do you do with your lavender? I'm growing some this year and hope to do some cooking with it - lavender cake, lavender shortbread...

vlb5757 said...

Sue, I am a chef. I went to a four day culinary school in the South of France. The chef made a Lavender Creme Burlee with his locally grown Lavender. It was such a subtle favor and was so wonderful. Years later I met some ladies at a craft show that used to grow a "pick your own" Lavender. We would drive over an hour to pick our own. The bundles were priced at $8. I think we did three bundles. Then I decided I wanted to grow my own. I have 10 plants with plans to expand. I made wands and sachet bags. Since mine is organic I can also cook with it. I am going to try a Lavender tea and a Lemonade with it this summer too. I don't sell it but usually end up giving it away to my friends.

Sue Sharp said...

Thanks for replying... oh, a chef! How wonderful! I've made the lavender cake before - sort of a pound cake with a very subtle flavour, and have a recipe for the shortbread but haven't made it yet.... maybe this weekend. I also planted a special lavender plant this year that apparently is organic, and the whole plant is edible - leaves, flowers, even the stems. We'll see. I'm not sure I'd like lavender tea, but the lemonade sounds lovely!