How many fingers does it take to Knit a Sock?
more than I have right now. When you are a professional chef, silly things like this happen. They aren't really annoying as far as work is concerned, but it's really a pain not to be able to knit! So there will be no knitting for a few days, only whinning about not knitting for a few days. Work is getting in the way of my hobby!
Ouch! Hope it gets better soon.
I get the stitches out in a week. The doctor had to tell me that it would leave a scar. I asked her if I could still knit. She said yes. I said, just make my finger knit as any cost! I haven't finished my sock yet!! She laughed.
Poor baby! I hope it doesn't keep you from spinning, too.
Oh no! Hope it heals up super duper fast!!
Oh, no! Too bad. I hope it doesn't hurt much. I never realized how much I appreciate my hands until I became addicted to knitting.
Actually it doesn't hurt unless I do alot of lifting my my left hand. I am going to the doctor to check it to see if it's healing well. I haven't tried to spin because I think it's impossible. Hopefully I can knit later this week with just a bandaid. I am going to the shop today to look at some DPNs to knit another pair of socks and do the cuffs on my lingering sweater.
This splint has really put in a crimp in my knitting for sure, but it has not stopped me from lining up projects or looking for new knitting toys! What's that saying, "Adapt and Overcome."! I am with my checkbook!!!!!
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